About Clean Coffee


Since our friendship began more than 30 years ago,
we’ve been on a mission to do something special.

What started as a 21-day cleanse led us to a miraculous bean, much like the story of the curious goat who originally discovered the first coffee bean in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia.

It was our discovery of a bean so pure and full of antioxidants it changed our lives forever.

Being coffee connoisseurs, we knew what we wanted in our coffee and more importantly, what we didn’t. Clean coffee, packed with remarkable health benefits and a distinctively smooth taste. We hope you enjoy each and every cup!

Jon & Jarrett, 2018

Jarrett & Jonathan 2018

Why would we choose a Goat?
There is a story behind all great brands and this is ours.

As the story goes… there was a flock of goats grazing along the mountainside of Ethiopia. But on this particular day, Kaldi The Herder decided to chart a new course with her flock. This auspicious journey placed them at an altitude and climate perfect for producing coffee berries. Hungry from their long journey the goats fanned out and grazed on this exotic new greenery. Oddly enough, the herd started acting strangely – and by strangely we mean jumping and dancing to heights never seen. The goats had an inexplicable surge of energy and better focus than ever before. Kaldi brought these special berries back to her tribe. She hand-picked, hand-washed, and sun-dried the beans, creating the first cup of coffee the world had ever seen – just as Jarrett and Jonathan discovered their sensational mountainside beans, carefully and naturally hand-processed, in order to create the purest cup of coffee possible, just as Mother Nature intended.

This discovery continues to inspire our quest for the best… the best bean, the best soil and the purest process.

Where Can You Purchase Clean Coffee?

Enjoy our purity in ground coffee or whole beans.